The big meetings in Uriage
Some great dates allow us, each year, to invite you to meet us for a time of festive, cultural and rhythmic sharing…
Uriage cabriolet classic (Annulé suite au COVID-19)
It is this gathering that rings out the summer season every year in the park, a majestic collection of vintage cars, each more beautiful than the last, displayed on the red carpet with great elegance… just like in the good old days!

Uriage en Danse (Annulé suite au COVID-19)
End of June
This amateur dance event, under the direction of choreographer Jean-Claude GALLOTTA, welcomes companies from France and elsewhere on different rhythms, for a varied program of contemporary dance, from hip-hop to tango…
The podium is placed in the middle of the park and the greenery, the evening ends in the footsteps of a giant flash mob to which the public is invited to participate…
The rehearsals take place on site, under the eyes of the spectators who turn the lawns into a performance hall…
Early September
The Uriage en Voix festival has made a place in the sun by betting on simple and lasting assets: the magnificent setting of the Uriage Park of course, free for all, and a positioning in time apart.
At the end of the summer, this event offers a very large audience to share the last weekend before the start of the school in a pleasant and quiet atmosphere. But be careful, this sweetness of life does not prevent a real artistic requirement: La Grande Sophie, Bertrand Belin, Debout sur le Zinc, Féfé and Thomas Fersen are the last headliners to have signed our guestbook… they share the stage for 2 days with other rising heads and joyful discoveries…

Les Rencontres Philosophiques d’Uriage
True to our history, and as the castle could tell, Uriage is a site of intellectual sharing. Also, the ambition of the Philosophical Meetings of Uriage is to bring together contemporary authors, philosophers or experts, and to allow an audience, the widest possible, to reflect, for a weekend, on topics and problems that concern the life of the City.
This time given to thought is intended to be a time of meetings, exchanges and sharing of ideas open to all, declined in various forms: workshops, games, table-rendes and conferences; cine-club, cine-brioche…